| New Hypothesis Explains Why Aliens Do Not Show Up in Our Galactic Neighborhood
"...a new study by researchers from the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and American University offers an explanation for why extraterrestrial beings apparently skip paying announced visits to our corner of the galaxy." by Andrei Dergalin via sputniknews The authors of a new report point at the prospects of alien life existing "across all K-dwarf or M-dwarf stars" in our galaxy. While mankind has yet to make contact with alien civilizations, let alone determine whether such civilizations actually exist, a new study by researchers from the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and American University offers an explanation for why extraterrestrial beings apparently skip paying announced visits to our corner of the galaxy. The authors of the new research, Jacob Haqq-Misra and Thomas J. Fauchez, essentially postulate that a hypothetical alien civilization that seeks to expand to other star systems may simply regard our Solar System as a non-optimal target for colonization.