| Outbreak of Mysterious Deadly Disease Covered Up by Venezuelan Government
(NaturalNews) The socialist "revolution" against democracy and free markets is proceeding in Venezuela, with the authoritarian government downplaying a mysterious disease outbreak as print media in the country slowly dies off. As reported by WPLG's Local 10 News in Miami, there have been at least 10 deaths from the as-yet-unidentified disease. The deaths have occurred in several Venezuelan cities, including the capital of Caracas. As it spreads, the disease is creating panic among the population and has led some of the nation's physicians to sound the alarm. However, as WPLG reported, the warnings are being downplayed by the socialist government: A government spokesman minimized the warnings and described efforts to notify the public of a disease that has killed four adults and four children as a "campaign of disinformation and terrorism." 'We do not know what it is' However, though the government remains in denial mode, doctors in Venezuela are taking the threat seriously; they say