| Physicists Propose Technique for Spotting 'Wormholes'
In a theoretical study, physicists propose that perturbations in the orbit of stars near supermassive black holes could be used to detect wormholes. A new study outlines a method for detecting a speculative phenomenon that has long captured the imagination of sci-fi fans: wormholes, which form a passage between two separate regions of spacetime. Such pathways could connect one area of our universe to a different time and/or place within our universe, or to a different universe altogether. Whether wormholes exist is up for debate. But in a paper published on October 10, 2019, in Physical Review D, physicists describe a technique for detecting these bridges. The method focuses on spotting a wormhole around Sagittarius A*, an object that's thought to be a supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way galaxy. While there's no evidence of a wormhole there, it's a good place to look for one because wormholes are expected to require extreme gravitational conditions, such as those