| Pineal Gland Opening Experiences – A Warning about the Third Eye
If you haven't yet experienced the opening of your pineal gland it can be a good idea to study, and learn, from those that have. The third eye isn't just a metaphor, but a literal, physical feature– and its common name is the pineal gland. What is the Pineal Gland? The pineal gland is a tiny endocrine gland located in the middle of the brain, nestled safely between the two hemispheres where both of the round thalamic bodies meet. It has a reddish-gray color and, in humans, is about as big as a pea. Its shape is similar to that of a pine cone, but many see a strong resemblance to an eye. Various spiritual traditions have considered the pineal gland a vital part of accessing psychic abilities for thousands of years, even though its biological function wasn't known until recently. The pineal gland is calcified in most people by the time they reach their thirties, and though it isn't vital to keep your body going, it helps regulate the hormone melatonin, which your body produces in