| Pluto Has Giant Ice Volcanoes that Could Hint at the Possibility of Life
"Pluto once had a subsurface ocean, and finding these ice volcanoes could suggest that the subsurface ocean is still present — and that liquid water could be close to the surface. Combined with the idea that Pluto has a warmer interior than previously believed, the findings raise intriguing questions about the dwarf planet's potential habitability." by Ashley Strickland CNN via WDSU news Headline Image Credit: NASA Images of Pluto captured by NASA's New Horizons mission have revealed a new surprise: ice volcanoes. The spacecraft performed a flyby of the dwarf planet and its moons in July 2015, and the insights gathered then are still rewriting nearly everything scientists understand about Pluto. Pluto was relegated to dwarf planet status in 2006 when the International Astronomical Union created a new definition for planets, and Pluto didn't fit the criteria. The dwarf planet exists on the edge of our solar system in the Kuiper Belt, and it's the larger of the many frozen objects there