| Powerful Volcanic Eruptions to Become More Common in The Future, Scientists Warn
I tend to question the reason or cause that they are giving for the increase when there is obvious reasons like a migrating magnetic pole that is about to flip and also there is the slowing of Earths rotation that can be strongly related to the coming increase in the volcanic activity and strength. via Science Alert / Business Insider: A strong volcanic eruption in the Philippines forced over 50,000 people to evacuate and sent ash plumes over a mile into the sky on Tuesday morning. Meanwhile, an eruption at a Japanese ski resort north of Tokyo caused avalanches that killed one person and trapped many others on the mountain. These powerful volcanic events may be examples of what the world could look like in coming centuries due to an ominous trend. A recent study in the journal Geology suggests that volcanic activity is likely to increase as the planet warms from human-caused climate change. The key, according to the researchers, is the relationship between glacial ice