| Professor Offers 'Out There' Theory on Alien Abduction
"The typical abduction experience usually involves a person being taken from their home, subjected to medical experiments and then returned with their memories of the encounter distorted or erased." via unexplained-mysteries Image by Daniela Realpe from Pixabay Dr David Jacobs of Temple University has reached a rather startling conclusion about abductees' experiences. Despite the unusual nature of such claims, there are still a surprising number of people who believe that they have, at some stage in their lives, encountered beings from another world. The typical abduction experience usually involves a person being taken from their home, subjected to medical experiments and then returned with their memories of the encounter distorted or erased. One man who has been attempting to make sense of such experiences is Dr David Jacobs - a researcher and author who has spent years collecting and comparing abductee testimonies. He has since come to the rather startling conclusion that alien