| Project Black Star Investigation Update Report – Volume 13 [2016]
CONTRIBUTED TO BENDEDREALITY.COM BY TERRAL03 (TERRAL CROFT) Black Star Update Report March 31, 2016 The seismic value data filling the 2015/2016 Seismic Chart for Week 7 include a surprising if not shocking number of 5-magnitude earthquake events globally of just five (5) events making me wonder what is coming on the horizon. Year-over-year earthquake event values for Week 7 have been rather consistent with a single 6-magnitude quake event, an average of about 22 of the 5-magnitude quake events and a steadily rising number of 2.5 to 4-magnitude earthquake events from 204 to 224 this year, but that 5 value for the 5-mag quake events sticks out like a sore thumb; even though the total number of reported earthquake events globally has remained in the 230's for the last three years. Pull up the 2014/2015 Final Seismic Chart and look down the column containing the 5-magnitude quake events to realize the lowest value of 13 came in Week 12 of the 2015 Cycle followed by a sharp uptick to 36