| Project Black Star Investigation Update Report- Volume 8 [2016]
CONTRIBUTED TO BENDEDREALITY.COM BY TERRAL03 (TERRAL CROFT) Black Star Update Report Seismic/Volcanic indicators say Earth remains very near outside-orbit position and the magical 90-degree angle relative to the Sun and inbound Black Star now moving left in the orbit diagram firmly within the Libra Constellation. Seismic values beginning the 2016 Earth Orbit Cycle do not match the same pattern for the last two years where the minimum value for the 2.5 to 4-magnitude earthquake events reached low within the seven-day period helping to draw us a clear picture. However, totaling the first two weeks for the 2015 and 2016 Earth Orbit Cycles provided very similar for these key indicator earthquake events gives us these values: 2015 2.5 to 4-mag quake events for Week 1 and Week 2 = 523 2016 2.5 to 4-mag quake events for Week 1 and Week 2 = 500 You should also realize that 'only' the two-week 2.5 to 4-mag values for Week 1-4 for 2014 and 2015 combine to total more than 500, until we reach