| Pulsar Planets Might be able to Support Life Despite Their Harsh Conditions
Pulsars, which are formed when a large star explodes in a supernova, doesn't sound like the best place for a nice, cosy home, but new research suggests that there could be planets around pulsars that are hospitable to life. A study published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics suggests that planets that are revolving around pulsars could actually facilitate life. Although considering that these planets are known to emit deadly gamma rays and X-rays, life could not be anything like that on Earth. "The environment would be similar to the bottom of the sea on Earth capable of supporting life, but not for many organisms and especially not for humans," according to an article published on the website Space. Pulsars are essentially a dense core of matter with cube-sized pieces of mass weighing over 100 million tons. These masses rotate at thousands of revolutions per second, and they're constantly emitting gamma rays, x-rays, and energetic particles. Although pulsars are incredibly