| Report Calls for NASA To "Ramp Up" Its Efforts To Find Alien Life
A new report says that NASA should rethink its search for alien life, and hunt not just for life as we know it – but life as we don't know it, too. Released by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, the report – mandated by Congress – focused on astrobiology, and the search for life elsewhere in the universe. It follows a similar one last month on the hunt for life on exoplanets. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe. And the report said that the way we look for life, known as biosignatures, needed updating. "An updated, more sophisticated catalog and framework will be important to enhance our ability to detect both life that might be similar to terrestrial life, and potential life that differs from life as we know it," a statement from the National Academies read. "The latter will be enabled by investigating novel 'agnostic' biosignatures – signs of life that are not tied to a particular metabolism or