| Retired US Air Force Colonel Discloses Apollo 13 Mission Interaction With UFO
Since we first turned our dreams of travelling to the moon into a reality, there has been controversy. Some believe that most of the landing footage was faked, and others believe we never even went there, despite there being plenty of evidence suggesting we did. But here's the tricky part — some of the footage from various Apollo missions might indeed have been faked or even "refurbished." Many insiders have also accused NASA of doing things like this, but, based on the information we have from sources like these, and many others, it seems the problem is not that we didn't get to the moon, but rather what we found — and concealed from the public — when we got there. In fact, the Russian government has accused the U.S. of concealing film footage. Agency insiders, like Norman Bergrun (view some of his publications for NASA, where he worked for more than a decade, here), or Bob Dean, United States Army Command Sergeant Major, who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers