| Saturn Probe Could Help Detect Planet X
via The search for a ninth planet is continuing with the help of NASA's Cassini probe, a spacecraft that has explored the Saturn system for over a decade. If it exists, Planet X, as scientists call it, likely resides somewhere far beyond the orbit of the dwarf planet Pluto. The existence of the planet was predicted by Mike Brown and his colleague Konstantin Batygin, professors of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology, after observing the unusual orbits of six relatively large bodies in the Kuiper Belt — a loop of icy, rocky bodies that also includes Pluto. Other scientists, however, suspect the orbits are influenced not by another planet, but by more rocky bodies in the Kuiper Belt that have not yet been detected. If Planet X is real, Brown thinks it will be found within the next five years. Although Brown and Batygin have yet to name a specific path along which the ninth planet would move through space, they have proposed a possible range in