| Scientist Find That Exoplanet Kepler-186f is Even More Like Earth Than We Thought
Life on Kepler-186f? via RT: Scientists have discovered Kepler-186f is even more like Earth than previously understood, and could be habitable. The planet appears to have seasons and a climate, thanks to its stable axial tilt. Kepler-186f is an exoplanet, meaning it's located outside our solar system, 500 light years away. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology used simulations to analyze and identify the exoplanet's spin-axis dynamics, which determine to what extent a planet tilts on its axis and how this changes over time. The study shows Kepler-186f's axial tilt appears to be stable, like Earth's. A planet's axial tilt creates seasons and climates because of how it affects the sunlight hitting the surface, so the research suggests it may have regular seasons. The same is thought to be true for Kepler-62f, a super-Earth-sized planet orbiting around a star about 1,200 light-years away from us. Kepler-62f was believed