| Scientists in Australia PROVE time travel is POSSIBLE
The idea that time travel is possible has captured the interest of countless researchers for decades. There are some who firmly argue that time travel is in fact possible. A team of scientists has concluded that the grandfather paradox –which demonstrates how time travel is not possible— can be resolved. A team of researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia, have simulated how time-travelling photons might behave, indicating that at least on a QUANTUM LEVE, the grandfather paradox –which demonstrates how time travel is not possible— can be resolved. Using photons –single particles of light— researchers simulated quantum particles travelling to the past. After studying their behaviors, researchers revealed possible anomalous aspects of modern-day physics. "The properties of quantum particles are 'fuzzy' or uncertain to start with, so this gives them enough wiggle room to avoid inconsistent time travel situations. Our study provides insights into where and how nature might