| Scientists Warn of New Tsunami Threat Which Could Strike Coastal Cities with Little Warning
"This is a particularly fast type of temblor in which the movement of the Earth's crust at the fault line outpaces the seismic shear waves rippling through the area around the earthquake. " via RT Headline Image: © GEORGE DESIPRIS from Pexels Researchers have identified a new tsunami risk posed by strike-slip faults located menacingly close to major population centers around the globe, warning that there would be little to no warning before catastrophe struck. Strike-slip faults have long been studied, though the particular mechanics of the tsunamis they can generate have been poorly understood, until now. The latest models produced by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign using the supercomputer Blue Waters indicate the risk is far greater than previously anticipated. Strike-slip faults are subaquatic areas where large blocks or slabs of rock in the Earth's crust fall along a fault line and can slide horizontally past one another, with truly devastating