| Strangers Give EERILY Similar Accounts of Alien Abductions, Could it Really Be Happening?
Many responded to a call for true stories about alien abductions on social media site Reddit. Many of those who responded reported being abducted in their own bedrooms and time skipping forward or memory loss. There were also many who said they were able to communicate with aliens telepathically. One man said as a nine-year-old he suddenly became "paralysed" in his bed. He said: "All of a sudden this blue light shines through my bedroom window. "I see my covers fall off to the floor as I get lifted through the window. "I remember bits and pieces of being on a table in a room as other children are being examined too." The Reddit user says he saw an alien who looked like a "Praying Mantis" insect. This is a recognised alleged type of alien species by conspiracy theorists. The man even claimed he may have been healed during his cosmic kidnap, as he had trouble walking before the incident, but since then has had no problem. He also said he was left with three mysterious needle marks on his