| Study Strongly Suggests Covid-19 Virus Enters the Brain & May Be an Autoimmune Disease
A new study by Yale University has found that critical Covid-19 patients disproportionately possess so-called 'autoantibodies' that weaponize their immune systems against them, making their condition far worse. Researchers used an advanced screening technique on 170 hospitalized patients to detect "autoantibodies" that inflict collateral damage on the patient by attacking their own organs and immune system as opposed to targeting the virus. They compared the antibodies to those who had milder or asymptomatic infections, as well as those who had not been infected. In the hospitalized Covid-19 patients, they found autoantibodies – such as interferons, natural killer cells, and T cells – that could disrupt the work of the body's frontline immune system troops, which had essentially been made to defect to the enemy, on the viral side. The presence of autoantibodies was repeatedly detected in the most critical Covid-19 patients, and tests on mice indicated that the autoantibodies likely