| Study Suggests Restricting Animal Protein Could Starve Cancer Cells
Decreasing consumption of red meat and eggs greatly improved cancer treatment in mice in a new study, a promising result which suggests that diet changes could help manage cancer. In the study, researchers fed mice with colorectal cancer a diet low in methionine, which is an amino acid found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products that plays a significant role in metabolism and in many other functions in the human body. The findings revealed that while administering a low dose of chemotherapy had no effect on tumor inhibition in mice, a low dose of chemotherapy in combination with a methionine-restricted diet led to "marked inhibition of tumor growth." The researchers also tested the effect of a methionine-restricted diet on six healthy people and found that the diet's effect on their metabolisms was similar to its effect on the mice's metabolisms. As cancer cells require dietary methionine to grow, limiting intake of the amino acid may quite literally starve cancer cells. "What this