Weather Warfare Assault, A Physician Speaks Out

via The ongoing battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity (by reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue) is now rapidly gaining traction. By sharing credible data with others and networking credible data on every possible form of social media, very important members of society (including medical professionals) are waking up and joining the battle … Continue reading

Historic Chemtrails Lawsuit Filed in Canada

by Dane Wigington, Legal action has been filed and is now underway in Canada that will greatly assist with the global effort to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering assault against the planet and the entire web of life. For over a year has been communicating with and forwarding data to Canadian attorneys (in addition to the … Continue reading

Geoengineering Programs to Accelerate Methane Release, Pushing Planet Toward Doomsday

(NaturalNews) The world, at least as we currently know it, could very soon cease to exist. Climate scientists clinging to the man-made global warming theory are now warning that we are in the very last days, and that a global mass extinction event is at the doorstep. But missing from their distressing narrative is the damage that geoengineering projects are … Continue reading

Nibiru In Arctic Jan2016
New Video: Nibiru Visible in Antarctica! or Just Another Hoax?

EDITOR’S COMMENT: Good production quality if it’s a fake. Here’s the Actual Article: Something very strange is going on in recent years in the atmosphere on the planet Whether it comes to aliens, changes in the earth’s core or CHEMTRAILS, HAARP? People all around the world take photos of this strange phenomena. Why are they appear and what is the … Continue reading

10 Conspiracy Theories About Weather Modification

Man-made climate change paved the way for American scientists to come up with the idea of weather modification. They reasoned that if daily human activity was already impacting weather patterns, it was acceptable for them to deliberately change the weather for a variety of purposes. The first meeting about weather modification was held at the end of 1945. At this … Continue reading

CIA Admit To Using Weather Modification As A Military Weapon

Many nations possess the ability to use weather modification, or geoengineering, as a weapon. The notion is scary, but true; from relatively simple methods such as airplanes that put rain-producing chemicals in the air, to more sophisticated technologies developed in areas like the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska, weather manipulation is not only possible, but … Continue reading

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