Comet Responsible for Perseid Meteor Shower Might HIT Earth In 2,400 Years Resulting In Extinction of Humanity
The Perseid meteor shower comes around every year, all thanks to an icy space rock known as Comet Swift-Tuttle – but, thousands of years from now, that same comet could bring on the worst mass extinction Earth has seen in hundreds of millions of years. This weekend, the night sky is set to dazzle with up to 150 shooting stars … Continue reading
Perseid Meteor Shower–Update
Yes, there was a Perseid outburst last night. Maybe two. Reporting via the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams, Peter Jenniskens of the SETI Institute writes that “predicted encounters with the 1-revolution and 4-revolution dust trails of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle were observed on Aug. 12” with peak rates as high as 190 meteors per hour. Preliminary data from the International Meteor Organization … Continue reading