Images Captured By NASA’s Rover Could Be That of Ancient Ruins of a Long Gone Alien City on Mars
Over the years NASA’s Mars Rovers have captured countless breathtaking images of anomalies that seem to be carved or artificially made structures on the surface of the planet Mars. Photographic evidence of many structures like walls, fences, ruins of ancient cities, once inhabited by alien civilizations, statues and other anomalies, weathered, eroded or partially buried under the sands of Mars. … Continue reading
Strange White Orb Seems to Release a Beam of Light Above the Surface of Mars
Images just released from the Mars Curiosity Rover, recorded on April 23, 2017 by the Right Navigation Camera reveals an orb and a strange beam of light above the surface of Mars that appears artificial. The first image captured on 02.51.43 PM shows a specific spot on the surface without any sign of something artificial but a second image showing … Continue reading