Like a Real-life Skynet, Pentagon Wants to Use AI to Develop New Weapons and Vehicles
Despite numerous science fiction stories and famous scientists cautioning humanity against using artificial intelligence in various weapons systems, it seems that the Pentagon has disregarded these warnings. The Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which operates under the US Department of Defence, has devised a new four-year project aimed at developing artificial intelligence (AI) for military purposes. This AI, in … Continue reading
Tech Being Developed by DARPA that ‘Taps into Human Brain’ with Mind-Controlling Drones
Technology that will allow direct communication with the human brain is already causing numerous concerns regarding possible misuse, especially in terms of thought privacy and forced brainwashing. The US military’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has initiated research aimed at creating a so-called brain-computer interface (BCI) that will allow two-way communication between a human soldier and, for example a … Continue reading
DARPA Proposes an AI (KAIROS) that Can Monitor the Entire World for Threats
DARPA already has a reputation as the mad scientist lab of the defense industry (even if they try to deny their work on metahumans or cyborgs), but their previous projects pale in comparison to the sheer scope of their newest artificial intelligence proposal: KAIROS, short for “Knowledge-directed Artificial Intelligence Reasoning Over Schemas.” Its purpose? To gaze at the reams of … Continue reading
Hackers May Have Infiltrated NM Solar Observatory, Gained Control of Sun Weapon
While we still haven’t been given any “official” explanation for the mysterious sudden evacuation and shutdown of the Solar Observatory in Sunspot New Mexico, a whistleblower has revealed some interesting information and if true is still pretty sensational, even though it may not (or may) have been aliens. via Intellihub: In what can only be considered one of the most … Continue reading
Chinese Hackers Allegedly Swipe Naval Warfare Secrets from US Firm
Alleged chinese hackers have breached the computer networks of a US defense contractor that possesses highly sensitive information on America’s undersea warfare plans, it was revealed Friday afternoon. The contractor whose systems were breached has yet to be disclosed, the Washington Post reports, though “secret plans to develop a supersonic anti-ship missile for use on US submarines by 2020” was … Continue reading
US Military Plans to Have More Robot Soldiers Than Humans by 2025
DARPA is thrilled about the this development. It may sound like a good thing to have cyborgs fighting instead of humans but this brings about many new dilemmas. There are many ethical aspects to this. One being, think about one country using robots to kill their adversaries human soldiers, doesn’t seem right. I suppose if both sided were of the … Continue reading
DARPA Investigating Possibility of ‘Slowing Biological Time’
While it is unfortunate that war is often the inspiration for these projects and programs I guess in the long run the potential benefits will eventually make its way to peaceful (non military) applications. via Unexplained-Mysteries: When a soldier is injured, time is of the essence. Known as Biostasis, the program aims to increase the odds of survival for injured … Continue reading
This is How the NSA and CIA Use Porn for Black Ops
An internal NSA newsletter recently published by The Intercept records how the US government used pornography to debilitate and humiliate prisoners during the Iraq War. This is the latest in a string of revelations showing that the CIA and NSA regularly employ pornography as a tool in covert operations. The latest release from the Snowden cache describes how the NSA … Continue reading
DARPA Believes Bioengineered Spy Plants Are “The Future Of Intelligence Gathering”
If any organization embodies our idea of the classic mad inventors, just running amock with crazy ideas, it’s DARPA. A jumping dog robot? Sure. Self-guiding bullets? What can go wrong? Vertical take-off plane? Well, why not? Bioengineered spy plants? Wait, what? Yes, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency – DARPA – the part of the US Department of Defense responsible … Continue reading
U.S. Begins Testing Mood Modification Brain Implants on Humans
Or is it mind control in disguise? via sputniknews: Two scientific teams from the University of California and Massachusetts General Hospital, funded by the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), are using “closed-loop” implants to create algorithms to detect various mood disorders and “shake” the brain back to a healthy state, Nature wrote. The neural implants, which generate electrical … Continue reading