Today’s Politics – Doomsday Dave

Written by Doomsday Dave BENDEDREALITY.COM – 2016 I am watching all these so called political experts on CNN and they make me laugh especially when they call Donald Trump a fascist because he wants to temporarily halt Muslim refugees from coming into the country until the government gets there act together and screen people properly so they don’t let terrorist into … Continue reading

We all belong to the government you will be assimilated resistance is futile
Globalist Plan – Doomsday Dave

Written by Doomsday Dave BENDEDREALITY.COM – 2016 Being born in England back in 1951 I enjoyed my freedom and life was simple and somewhat becoming prosperous after WWII. It seems now however the powers to be want to sell Britain down the river to the European Union (EU). The link below certainly puts things in perspective and I watch it … Continue reading

