A Healthy Couch Potato? Scientist Working On An ‘Exercise Pill’ for the ‘Less Active’
Scientists are on the road to developing a drug to ease the fitness worries of the world’s couch potatoes – and all without having to lift themselves off the sofa. Researchers have long mused about the possibility of developing a drug that could give a person all the benefits of exercise, without actually exercising. Now, a team from the University … Continue reading
Sitting Down for Hours a Day Speeds up Ageing Based on New Research
People should aim to stand up every 20 minutes, according to Age UK Elderly people who spend most of their time sitting down age significantly quicker than more active contemporaries, according to new research. A study of 1,500 pensioners found those who kept to a sedentary position for ten hours or more a day and who did less than 40 … Continue reading