ball lightning ball of fire sky phenomenon
Unidentified Ball of Fire Lights Up Sky Over Bergamo Italy

On July 14, 2017 around 1.30AM during severe storms Patrizia Lapatty saw something strange in the sky over Bergamo in Italy on which she began to film the strange phenomenon. Wondering what the phenomenon could have been she decided to send the footage to EUStormMap asking for an explanation on which they gave the following statement: “For us this is … Continue reading

Quadrantid Meteor Shower Anomaly: 3 Fireballs Sighted in Southern Hemisphere – Extremely Rare

The Quadrantid meteor shower is 2017’s first major meteor shower and it peaks tonight. The display is virtually nonexistent for observers in the Southern Hemisphere. But Franky Lucena shot three rare Quandrantido’ meteors in the southern Hemisphere. Extremely rare! What does this mean? I don’t know! But one is sure, it’s extremely rare if not anomalous! Is the shower bigger … Continue reading

Meteor Fireball Lights Up Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Night Sky

An apparent meteor lit up skies in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday night, according to reports on social media. It was spotted by skywatchers in Philadelphia, the northwest suburbs and in South Jersey, social media posts indicated. A camera at the University of Toronto Scarborough Observatory captured the fireball on video. It released a time-lapse video on Twitter. A … Continue reading

Planet X Signs — Update No. 4

Sourced From – Original Publication Date: Dec. 12, 2015 Since our last article on July 3, 2015, we continue to see increasing earth changes due to the advancing Planet X System flyby. Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media continues to downplay earth change events around the world. Fortunately for those in awareness there are independent sources available with superior coverage … Continue reading

