An Observed ‘Mini Big Bang’ in Space Could Disprove Einstein

Astrophysicists have detected a massive cluster of galaxies millions of light-years wide is hurtling through space at velocities so high that modern physics can’t explain their motion. The galaxies are all part of the Local Group, a ring of galaxies which contain the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies at the center. Andromeda, our closest neighbor, is predicted to collide with … Continue reading

What Would Happen if Earth Stopped Spinning? How Fast are We Really Moving?

What would happen if Earth stopped spinning? There is no chance that you’ll be flung off to space right now (but make sure you read on), because the Earth’s gravity is so strong compared to its spinning motion. (This latter motion is called centripetal acceleration.) At its strongest point, which is at the equator, centripetal acceleration only counteracts Earth’s gravity … Continue reading

size of the stars
Biggest Stars in the Universe

Don’t let the title mislead you, the video actually covers varying celestial objects starting off with planets. This is one of the coolest videos in my opinion because it blows your mind and does it so simply. It will boggle your mind when you see the size comparisons…truly amazing! source IF YOU LIKE BENDEDREALITY.COM PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS … Continue reading

The 2 Most Dangerous Numbers In The Universe Are Threatening The End of Physics

CERN has announced that the LHCb experiment had revealed the existence of two new baryon subatomic particles. A deeply disturbing and controversial line of thinking has emerged within the physics community. It’s the idea that we are reaching the absolute limit of what we can understand about the world around us through science. “The next few years may tell us … Continue reading

Unknown force is pulling the Milky Way and other Galaxies towards IT at 12 MILLION mph

Researchers are struggling to understand WHAT is ‘pulling’ our galaxy, the Milky Way, and other galaxies towards IT at an incredible speed of 22 million kilometers per hour. Just as the movement of tectonic plates shows the properties of the interior of the Earth, the motions of galaxies provides information about the main constituents of the Universe: Dark Matter and … Continue reading

“More Complex Than a Galaxy?” –Human-Brain Intelligence Networks Identified for First Time

According to physicist, Roger Penrose, What’s in our head is orders of magnitude more complex than anything one sees in the Universe: “If you look at the entire physical cosmos,” says Penrose, “our brains are a tiny, tiny part of it. But they’re the most perfectly organized part. Compared to the complexity of a brain, a galaxy is just an inert … Continue reading

