First Ever Gene Edited Babies Born in China
Scientists hoping to make children immune to HIV have produced the first ever genetically edited babies. According to reports, an HIV-positive woman in China has given birth to two baby girls who had undergone gene editing in an effort to prevent them from contracting the disease. The experiment, which involved using the CRISPR gene editing technique, has yet to be … Continue reading
Scientists Remove HIV From A Human Immune Cell Using A New Gene-Editing Technique
Using the much-touted CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method, scientists have demonstrated how they can edit HIV out of human immune cell DNA, and in doing so, can prevent the reinfection of unedited cells too. If you haven’t heard of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technique before, get ready to hear a whole lot more about it in 2016, because it’s set to revolutionise … Continue reading