3D Electric powerlines over sunrise
Map Reveals Areas of the US Most Vulnerable to Power Outage Due to Solar Storms

“Sprawling power lines act like “solar storm antennas,” picking up currents and spreading the problem over a wide area.” A solar superstorm can make your lights go out. New maps released by the USGS show where the power is most likely to fail: The Denver metropolitan area, the Pacific northwest, the Atlantic seaboard, and a cluster of Midwestern states near … Continue reading

Christmas Solar Storm Threatens Earth’s Electrical Infrastructure

A solar storm will send extraordinary displays of colorful lights through the skies of northern countries, but may interfere with electrical equipment and power supplies. Solar storms, also called geomagnetic storms, occur when plasma, the superheated matter that makes up the sun, is blown outward from our star to create a stream of supercharged particles, sometimes referred to as the … Continue reading

