Ancient Giant Skeleton Found in Iran
News of giant skeletons in Iran generates talk of Nephilim, giants in stasis chambers and other stories and this new discovery is no different. The skeleton of a being much larger than humans living around 500 CE was found among artifacts at a dig in the Iranian province of Lorestan. The artifacts were dated from 550 BCE to 650 CE, … Continue reading
Skeleton of Giant Reportedly Found on Malaysian Island
How tall does one have to be in order to be considered a giant and not just “larger that usual”? Would you consider 5 meters (16.4 feet) tall to be giant or larger than usual? We may soon find out after Malaysian media reports the finding of large bones in a cave and extremely long graves outside the cave on … Continue reading
Red-Haired Giant In Afghanistan Cave Encountered by Marines During Recon Mission
Ancient flying machines, alien beings, and giants. These are some of the things reported in the media by supposed American soldiers in the Afghanistan campaign. These stories tell of finds that are extraordinary and chilling. THE HEIGHT WAS 12-15FT The first legend being told is that the soldiers cornered something in a cave, a being that was at least 12-15 … Continue reading