NASA Scientist Now Admit ‘We See a Cooling Trend’

Regulars to this website would know we support the cooling theory and have been posting articles related to the decline of sunspots, and the cooling that will be coming as a result. Well now it looks like that can no longer deny it. “…scientists are predicting one of the coldest periods ever recorded for our upper atmosphere – and that … Continue reading

‘Global Warming’ Scare – The Stunning Data Adjustments Made by NOAA

Global Warming The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may have a boring name, but it has a very important job: It measures U.S. temperatures. Unfortunately, it seems to be a captive of the global warming religion. Its data are fraudulent. What do we mean by fraudulent? How about this: NOAA has made repeated “adjustments” to its data, for the presumed … Continue reading

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Potential Gulf Stream Collapse Could Bring New Ice Age Sooner Than Scientists Expected

Two new studies published in the scientific journal Nature have brought a new threat to the world’s attention: the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean currents including the Gulf Stream. Barely a day goes by without new research emerging warning humanity of its impending doom, but the collapse of the Gulf Stream is an event with particularly ominous connotations. Scientists have … Continue reading

Earth Could Face Mini Ice Age as Possibility of Global Cooling Looms in the Coming Decades

AN Ice Age is potentially coming and scientists have claimed it could reverse damage from global warming. Earth could be plunged into a mini Ice Age in the next few decades, but there is good news – it could override the damage done by global warming. By 2030 comes about, the temperatures on Earth could be so low that the … Continue reading

Scientists Plan to Mimic Volcanic Eruptions to Cool Earth

As a new ice age approaches, the mad scientists are hard at work coming up with ways to ‘cool’ the planet. Now does this even make any sense when the possibility of an ice age is looming? via Independent UK: Geoengineering to cool the Earth’s climate by imitating volcanic eruptions is a ‘highly risky strategy’ that may increase the frequency … Continue reading

Ancient Pacific Northwest Eruption Caused Global Climate Changes – Blocking Out Sun, Cooled Planet

WSU researchers document one of planet’s largest volcanic eruptions Gases from Inland Northwest blocked out sun, cooling planet Washington State University researchers have determined that the Pacific Northwest was home to one of the Earth’s largest known volcanic eruptions, a millennia-long spewing of sulfuric gas that blocked out the sun and cooled the planet. Only two other eruptions – the … Continue reading

Volcanic Eruptions to Cause Earth ‘Cool Down’, Meanwhile Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth Continues

Vanuatu evacuates an island due to volcanic eruption, Bali evacuates villages due to volcanic eruption, Sinabung erupts, but what they don’t tell you is that every Grand Solar Minimum there are massive eruptions that destroy global crop production. Now with record Arctic sea ice growth in 2017, the most ever recorded in September, the global warming crowd is just hoping … Continue reading

‘Totally Unexpected’ Source Of Climate Cooling Discovered by Scientists

Arctic waters absorbed vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, creating a cooling effect that’s 230 times greater than the warming from methane emitted from underwater seeps, according to a new study. The findings are a complete reversal of what scientists previously believed — that methane seeps in the Arctic Ocean were contributing to global warming. “If what we … Continue reading

New Study Shows There is Greater Ice Accumulation Than Ice Melt in Antarctica, Sorry Al Gore & Friends

Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula has long been touted by supporters of the theory man is destroying the planet by using fossil fuels as proof of the dangers of global warming. Al Gore, the face of the world-is-going-to-end climate movement, has visited Antarctica on at least two occasions to highlight the alleged problem. “This prediction has proven true,” Gore wrote … Continue reading

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Stir the Hornets Nest by Showing Climate Lies in Global Temperatures & Greenland Ice Gain

New NOAA March 2017 global temperature data set, but the number NOAA gives are 1C across the board higher than UAH global satellite data set which shows the planet is cooling. The pause is now confirmed and brought upon by natural variability and the Sun’s effects, plus another example of temperature fraud, separate from NOAA. Adapt 2030 – YouTube IF … Continue reading

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