What Did a Heart Attack Feel Like? Survivors Share Their Experiences
Would you recognize signs that you or your loved one is having a heart attack? Nausea, heartburn, teeth hurting … these are all signs people tell us they felt while having a heart attack. We’d like your help in contributing to the report. What did a heart attack feel like to you or your loved one? Were you caught off … Continue reading
You Have Only 10 Seconds To Survive A Heart Attack! Here Is What To Do!
Heart attacks are among the most terrifying medical emergencies that a person can experience. The medical emergency has an incredibly high rate of mortality, and there is often no way to predict who exactly they will affect or when they are likely to strike. COUGHING CAN SAVE YOUR LIFE DURING A HEART ATTACK! Quite often, people who are experiencing a … Continue reading
Donald Trump May DIE in Office: Top Doctor Warns He COULD Suffer a ‘Heart Attack’
The “sleepless nights and gruelling schedule” of the election campaign and impending presidency could prove a deadly cocktail for the 70-year-old, Dr Patrick Heck said. The shock claims are in contradiction to Donald Trump’s medical records which were published during the election campaign, in which his doctor said he is in “excellent health”. But British cardiologist Dr Heck has rubbished … Continue reading