Scientists From The National Institutes of Health Have Identified Antibody That Neutralizes 98% Of HIV Strains
An antibody from an HIV-infected person has successfully neutralized 98 percent of HIV isolates tested, including the lion’s share of strains resistant to other antibodies of the same class, US scientists have found. The striking efficiency of the powerful antibody, named N6, makes it an ideal candidate for further research to treat or prevent HIV infection, scientists from the National … Continue reading
Scientists Remove HIV From A Human Immune Cell Using A New Gene-Editing Technique
Using the much-touted CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method, scientists have demonstrated how they can edit HIV out of human immune cell DNA, and in doing so, can prevent the reinfection of unedited cells too. If you haven’t heard of the CRISPR/Cas9 gene-editing technique before, get ready to hear a whole lot more about it in 2016, because it’s set to revolutionise … Continue reading
Scientists Just Discovered Where HIV Began
Birthplace of the disease that won’t die. Diseases, while disastrous, often come and go in the public eye. We hear about ebola, but then another one quickly grabs national monitors and TV screens for its fifteen minutes. However, one condition that seems to not fit into his norm is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The spread of HIV is a … Continue reading