Strange Encounters with Fiery Humanoids
This video takes a deep dive into the topic of fire entities, looking at more than a dozen sighting reports. Beyond Creepy YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below
‘When You Get Out, Run!’ – The Siedlecki Encounter
A strange case from England in which a mechanic encountered two strange humanoids in a field is explored… Beyond Creepy YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below
Strange ‘Alien-Like’ Being Captured on Camera in Corrientes Argentina
The Argentine media published on September 13, 2017 the news that the Corrientes police has photographed a supposed alien being in an area called ‘Parque Miter’ near the capital of Corrientes. After being warned by a group of young people police officers visited the place and saw ‘a strange person’ with a strange behavior walking around. When they want to … Continue reading
Intriguing Indian UFO Mystery at Kongka La Pass, Ladakh
In January 2017, the CIA declassified and shared 930,000 UFO documents on its website. (Note: The sudden release of all these documents is part of the disclosure project.) One of these included a document from 1968 detailing six UFO sightings in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Indian UFO sightings thereafter have been sporadic compared to countries like the US and Russia. … Continue reading