Three Atlantic Hurricanes (Irma, Jose, And Katia) at Once ‘Unparalleled’ in Modern Times Expert Says
Islanders are bracing for more storm damage The appearance of three strong hurricanes in the Atlantic basin which all threaten land is “unparalleled” in modern times, a tropical storms expert has said. Hurricane Irma has already caused major damage in the Caribbean and is expected to hit southern Florida, while Hurricane Katia is menacing eastern Mexico, and Hurricane Jose could … Continue reading
Monster Hurricane Irma So Powerful It’s Registering on Seismographs As It Heads Towards Florida
HURRICANE Irma is so strong the storm is showing up on devices designed to detect massive earthquakes. The category 5 storm, which has now swelled to the size of France after making its first landfall in the Caribbean today, is registering on seismometers on the island of Guadelope. The measuring devise is located close to the sea, and waves crashing … Continue reading
Hurricane Irma Moves Up to Category Five, State Of Emergency Declared In Florida And The Caribbean
The Atlantic hurricane season rages on. Hurricane Irma is now zipping westwards across the Atlantic and fast approaching the Caribbean. It’s also looking more likely that it might affect the US mainland by the end of the week – far from an ideal situation considering this corner of the US is still sweeping up the destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey. … Continue reading