CIA Involved in JFK’s murder – Robert Kennedy Jr
““The evidence is overwhelming that the CIA was involved in the murder, and the coverup,” the candidate continued…” US presidential candidate said the agency’s culpability in his uncle’s murder was “beyond a reasonable doubt” Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has alleged that the CIA was behind the assassination of his uncle, US President John F. Kennedy Jr. in … Continue reading
Released JFK Docs Show English News Reporter Was ‘Tipped Off’ 25 Minutes BEFORE Assassination
A reporter for the Cambridge Evening News received a call telling him to ring the US embassy for “big news” just 25 minutes before John F. Kennedy was shot dead. The revelation emerged in fresh documents released by the US government on Thursday night. According to the memo, police reported the call to the British intelligence service. Britain’s domestic intelligence … Continue reading
Earliest Known Recording of John F. Kennedy Revealed
John F Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. The recording, which was made when Kennedy was 20, has been released by archivists at Harvard University. Lasting just under two minutes, the vintage audio clip is from an assignment for a public speaking course for which Kennedy had talked about Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black. While most people … Continue reading
JFK’s Stunning Diary Entry Revelation: ‘No Complete Evidence’ Hitler’s Body Was Ever Found
If you aren’t convinced, you’re in good company — recently revealed documents from a personal journal make candid skepticism from a man who could arguably be termed the Führer’s polar opposite — President John F. Kennedy. While questioning the official narrative pertaining to one of the most opprobrious tyrants in history might not be a comfortable matter, the theory has … Continue reading
When They Killed JFK They Killed America
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, paulcraigroberts.org_May 2016 In the JFK administration I was a White House Fellow. In those days it was a much larger program than the small insider program it later became. President Kennedy’s intention was to involve many young Americans in government in order to keep idealism alive as a counter to the material interests of lobby … Continue reading