Images Captured By NASA’s Rover Could Be That of Ancient Ruins of a Long Gone Alien City on Mars
Over the years NASA’s Mars Rovers have captured countless breathtaking images of anomalies that seem to be carved or artificially made structures on the surface of the planet Mars. Photographic evidence of many structures like walls, fences, ruins of ancient cities, once inhabited by alien civilizations, statues and other anomalies, weathered, eroded or partially buried under the sands of Mars. … Continue reading
Elites Are Preparing For Escape to Mars Space Ark!
Last year in September Elon Musk walked onto a stage in Guadalareja, Mexico and laid out his vision to colonize Mars with his company SpaceX. The plan itself is ambitious and Musk hopes to fly 1 million people to the planet Mars as a sort of ‘backup drive’ for Earth at costs of $100,000 to $ 200,000 per person, reported … Continue reading
Worm Discovered On Mars?
It seem not more than a few days go by before another discovery of objects on mars. From traffic light assembly, rodents, a human skeleton, a big foot type creature, Alien bases, strange entrances, Oval building with tinted windows, a squirrel, alien technology, and more. The latest is an “armored” or segmented worm like creature appearing on a wall or … Continue reading