Mystery Sounds Heard in Loch Ness During Major Nessie Hunt

“…according to reports, the hydrophone did actually pick up something unexpected.” by T.K. Randall via Unexplained-Mysteries Image credit: Miller_Eszter-pixabay Investigators picked up some mysterious sounds but then realized that their recording equipment wasn’t plugged in. Hailed as the largest Loch Ness monster hunt for 50 years, the weekend’s activities saw hundreds of people descend on the famous Scottish loch to … Continue reading

imageCC BY_SA Hbbrown18
Has Lake Champlain’s Creature ‘Champ’ Been Picked up on Sonar ?

“According to the video, the unidentified creature was 20 ft in length” via unexplained-mysteries image credit: CC BY-SA 4.0 Hbbrown18 A research group has posted up footage of what appears to be a sonar hit of a large creature swimming in the lake. Spanning parts of New York State, Vermont and Quebec – Lake Champlain is home to an elusive … Continue reading

