‘Rock’ That Crashed Through Shed Roof in a Dutch Village Identified As Meteorite

A rock that crashed through the roof of a shed has been confirmed as only the sixth meteorite to be recovered in the Netherlands. The 4.5 billion-year-old lump of stone, which weighs around 500g, landed in the village of Broek in Waterland, Noord-Holland province, in January. The owners discovered it the next morning and contacted Naturalis museum in Leiden after … Continue reading

If the Asteroid Doesn’t Kill You, Its Winds Will

When the big asteroid hits, will you breath a sigh of relief when you see on the news that it missed your city? Don’t. A new study found that the bite of an asteroid impact does less damage that the bark of the wind created when it hits the Earth’s atmosphere, even if it breaks up and never actually craters … Continue reading

Blazing Fireball Sightings over Scotland Skies Probably a Meteorite

A SIGHTING of a fireball blazing its way across the sky near Annan has prompted more reports. A sighting of a fireball blazing its way across the sky near Annan has prompted more reports An appeal by the UK Meteor Observation Network (UKMON) for sightings at about 5.15 pm last Wednesday prompted an account from someone driving from Eaglesfield to … Continue reading

‘Meteorite’ Burning Across Sky Filmed By Japanese Teenager Following The 7.3 Magnitude Japan Quake

A teenager has filmed a ‘ meteorite ‘ burning across the sky shortly after the Japanese earthquake struck. The teen, known as Asuka, 16, from Japan, filmed the extraordinary sight trailing across the evening sky this evening. A rough translation of her Tweet accompanying the video says: “A movie I took while preparing to die. “Thought that it was a … Continue reading

‘Huge Meteor’ Crashed to Earth Following Flash of Light in Sky and Houses Shook, Queensland Australia – Updated

UPDATED with additional coverage and info.: Here is the American Meteor Societies location on the crashed meteor that as far as I know has not even been mentioned ONCE on the MSM: Here is EndOfTimes Youtube Channel Video: Also here is a video by BPEarthwatch: A ‘ meteor ‘ crashed into earth causing tremors and a huge “flash of … Continue reading

denmark night sky
Meteorite Explodes In The Skies Over Denmark

Saturday night, hundreds of Danes reported the sky suddenly lit up and a loud bang followed shortly after. On Saturday night, hundreds of Danes witnessed a spectacular phenomenon as the sky suddenly lit up and a loud bang from an explosion echoed across northeastern Zealand, reports DR. According to Johan Fynbo, a professor of astronomy at the Niels Bohr Institute, … Continue reading

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