Unexpected Perseid Meteor Outburst 2021, 300% Increase in Fireballs
It’s notable that the last outburst occurred just a few years ago, and that the origin of this particular one was not expected nor, as of yet, has its origin been ascertained. Taking into account all the other Fire In The Sky activity these days, it’s looking like there’s been a significant increase, and that there’s likely more to come! … Continue reading
Russia, Canada, Northern European Countries More Likely to be Hit by Meteorites
Russia, Canada, and Northern European countries are the primary targets for asteroids and meteorites falling to Earth, Columbian scientists have found. But don’t get packing just yet, because nowhere is really safe. Scientists Jorge Zuluaga and Mario Sucerquia from the University of Antioquia in Medellin (Colombia), analyzed the probability of a space rock falling in different regions of the Earth … Continue reading
Meteor Fireball Lights Up Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Night Sky
An apparent meteor lit up skies in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday night, according to reports on social media. It was spotted by skywatchers in Philadelphia, the northwest suburbs and in South Jersey, social media posts indicated. A camera at the University of Toronto Scarborough Observatory captured the fireball on video. It released a time-lapse video on Twitter. A … Continue reading
Perseid Meteor Shower–Update
Yes, there was a Perseid outburst last night. Maybe two. Reporting via the Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams, Peter Jenniskens of the SETI Institute writes that “predicted encounters with the 1-revolution and 4-revolution dust trails of comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle were observed on Aug. 12” with peak rates as high as 190 meteors per hour. Preliminary data from the International Meteor Organization … Continue reading
Planet X Signs — Update No. 4
Sourced From YOWUSA.com – Original Publication Date: Dec. 12, 2015 Since our last article on July 3, 2015, we continue to see increasing earth changes due to the advancing Planet X System flyby. Meanwhile, the U.S. mainstream media continues to downplay earth change events around the world. Fortunately for those in awareness there are independent sources available with superior coverage … Continue reading