The Mysterious Golden Theories Of Nibiru And Planet X

This video unlocks the secrets of Nibiru and the Anunnaki. Discover why these ancient Sumerian gods, according to ancient astronaut theorists, have a surprising affinity for Earth’s gold. Delve deep into the Sumerian texts and intriguing theories, exploring whether Earth was mined for gold to save Nibiru’s dying atmosphere. Join us on this cosmic journey, unravelling the mysteries of ancient … Continue reading

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Is an Alien Planet Hiding at the Edge of Our Solar System ?

“Researchers now believe that there is around a 7% chance that a rogue planet from a distant part of the galaxy…” by T.K. Randall via Unexplained-Mysteries Astronomers believe that there is a small chance that a rogue planet could have been ‘captured’ by the Sun’s gravity. A few years ago, the possibility that there was an undiscovered planet in our … Continue reading

Aliens in Nibiru: The Story of the Original Planet X

This video looks at the possibility of aliens living on a planet called Nibiru. Join Jason Martell, regularly featured guest on “Ancient Aliens,” as he shares years of research into the Ancient Astronaut Theory and Ancient Technology from our distant past. Over 30 ancient cultures reference interaction with physical beings they considered to be gods. Modern archeology considers these stories … Continue reading

Ancient Aliens and the New World Order

Thought provoking, must watch documentary! V Movies YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US…SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below

Real Images of Moon Bases, UFOs & Large Unknown Body Near the Sun

This BruceSeesAll video shows us two images that are from a space association and the rest of the video is all his personal research in ufology and astronomy on the moon. A remarkable recording of Bruce shows a UFO leaving the moon and while NASA tells us there is no extraterrestrial activity on the moon, it is only a matter … Continue reading

Mysterious object Observed 20B Miles from Earth in 1983 ‘May Have Been Elusive Planet Nine’

“Its huge orbit would mean it takes between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make a single pass around the sun.” by Ryan Morrison via Daily Mail A mysterious, small and cold object seen 20 billion miles from Earth by astronomers in 1983 may have been the elusive Planet Nine, according to a new report. Astronomers have speculated over the existence … Continue reading

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Does Planet X Actually Exist?

“For many of us, living in an eight planet solar system is a fundamental pillar in our scientific knowledge. With Pluto having been demoted to a dwarf planet in 2006, Neptune is the last planet to have been discovered in our solar system. Neptune was first observed with a telescope in 1846 and since then there’s been widespread discussion about … Continue reading

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Why Can’t Scientists Find the Enormous Planet X?

At the distance the postulated Planet X would be, any movement by either Earth or Planet X/Planet Nine would cause it to easily be missed by the observer in my opinion. I believe this is part of the reason it has so far eluded being seen, we just haven’t spotted it yet as the area is too vast. IF YOU … Continue reading

New Study Challenges Elusive Planet X Theory

by Andrei Dergalin via Sputniknews The scientists pointed out that their work does not “explicitly rule out” the hypothetical planet’s existence, but rather shows that “there is no evidence to rule out the null hypothesis.” A team of scientists from Cornell University, led by Kevin Napier, has released a new, yet to be peer reviewed study that disputes evidence of … Continue reading

Nibiru April 2020
Is Nibiru Planet X Behind the Third Recent Explosion on the Sun

A huge mysterious explosions occurred on the far side of the sun on March 20, 2020 and on April 12, 2020. On April 18, 2020 a third explosion was picked up by NASA’s satellites and is believed to be asteroids impacting our sun. So many impacts in a short time frame is unusual and might suggest that a massive celestial … Continue reading

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