Terral’s Project Black Star Update Report 2019 – Newsletter 02
Seismic event indicators say Earth has now entered the second and final earth-change lull period for the 2018 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation relative to the Sun.
Year-over-year weekly seismic-event values for Week 46 show one of the 7+ magnitude earthquake events for the last five years (2015), when this was the final big-quake event (7.2 Tajikistan: USGS) in the seven-event series. The five-quake series we have seen following the first two at the Earth-Sun-Black Star backside alignment (B) struck together following a two-week delay, because the Deep Magma Plume Formation(2015 image and article) was still in an infant-smaller state compared to today. Week 46 has seen an average of 2.75 of the 6-mag quakes for 2014 through 2017 making the three events this week right at the year-over-year average. Twenty-seven of the 5-magnitude earthquake events for Week 46 is about ten events lower than the year-over-year weekly-event average (37.75) and half of what we see for 2016. Two hundred and forty-eight of the 2.5-to-4-mag quakes is almost 50 events below the year-over-year average, but still higher than what we see for the 2016 and 2017 orbit cycles relative to the Black Star in Libra.
Week-over-week seismic-event values show a slight decrease in seismic activity for the 2.5-to-4, 5, and 6-magnitude earthquake events moving through the current earth-change lull period.
Again, the 7.1 Sandwich Islands Quake (USGS following 7.0 Alaska and 7.5 New Caledonia at the Jolt) is the third big quake in the seven-event series followed by the 7.4 Russia Quake (USGS 12.20.2018) being the fourth event with the 7.0 Philippines Quake (USGS 12.29.2018) striking on November 29, 2018 as predicted. The next big quake in the seven-quake-event series is projected to strike on January 14, 2018. Deep-Magma-Plume-Wave Action from deep earthquake events (Indonesia-Fiji, South America) causes a pinball-effect that triggers these quakes in a predictable pattern using historical-seismic data from 2014-2018 where Earth right now appears to be following the 2016 pattern.
Earth saw just one deep earthquake event on the Fiji-side of the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone (4.9 Fiji @ 431-K depth) part of global-quake-pattern scenario that we have not seen for some time with more deep quakes under South America (4.3 Bolivia and 6.8 Brazil) that below Fiji. While the Cascadia and Mexico West Coast were quiet last week, we see a new round of Cascadia Quakes (USGS and USGS) Mexico Quakes (USGS and USGS and USGS) striking at the 10-kilometer depth following the 4.3 Bolivia Quake as expected. We should see increased seismic-volcanic activity along Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor 2 from deep-magma-plume wave action associated with the 6.8 Brazil Quake at any time. The 5.1 Papua Quake (USGS) struck on January 06, 2019 at the 390.4-kilometer depth just above Earth mantle transition zone (info) generating Deep-Magma-Wave/Upwelling Action within the Indonesia-Fiji Seismic-Volcanic Origination Zone and Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor 1 like the (4.3 Philippines Quake @ 491.6 kilometers on 01.08.2019) and the 4.2 Japan Quake @ 470.6 kilometers on 01.07.2019. The 3.7 Mississippi Quake (USGS) seems like the odd event for the USA striking just east of the Mississippi River.
Deep quake activity in Indonesia-Fiji and along Corridor 1 is insufficient for sending Deep-Magma-Wave Action through Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor 3 (top arrow in opposite direction) causing the Buoyancy-Barrier Corridor Terminal-End position to shift east through Gibraltar into the Greece region typical of moving through the earth-change lull periods. Seismic activity Corridor 4 (bottom arrow) is trying to diminish where the quake-events depths are at the 10-kilometer depth indicating deep-magma-plume triggers. We have been watching the quake-swarm activity along Corridor 3 shift back and forth from Gibraltar through Italy and Greece and through the Middle East to Nepal, as deep quake activity increases and decreases helping us identify the Corridor terminal-end position moving east-west through along the corridor. The significant-notable quake on this side of the planet struck in Romania (4.1 @ 139.2-kilometers) on January 09, 2019, just north of where the Corridor 3 terminal end position is projected to be currently positioned near Greece.
The USBS and the Smithsonian (link) did not provide their weekly update report due to the Govt shutdown. Get the latest seismic-volcanic-eruption events here and here.
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