| The Accidental Effect of Iodized Salt on the American IQ
Very interesting, I must have had a large salt intake all my life (implying I have a high IQ, in case you missed it..joking). via Sometimes a solution to one problem turns out to solve a problem you didn't even know you had. That's especially true when the problem is a nutrient deficiency. In the 1920s, the addition of iodine to our table salt had a brain-boosting side effect. Improving SA(L)T Scores In the 1920s, the United States had a serious goiter problem. Goiter is painful swelling of the thyroid gland that often results in a large, visible bulge on the neck and throat. It's a very unpleasant condition, and its chief cause is iodine deficiency. Before companies began iodizing salt, the amount of iodine in your diet would have been determined almost entirely by where you live. Live by the sea? Great news: you're practically swimming in the stuff. But in the Midwest, prehistoric glaciers leached the iodine out of the soil many years ago. In an effort to fight the