| The Code that Took Astronauts to the Moon is Now Freely Available Online – Complete with '60s Easter Eggs.
The programming code that controlled the flight software for Apollo 11 has been uploaded to the popular code sharing website GitHub for the first time. Not only does the uploaded code give current programmers a look into the past, it is also filled with pop culture references from the mid-1960s, making it somewhat of a time capsule. The code was originally created by programmers at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory in the mid-1960s who were tasked with making it from scratch because the technology needed to send the craft to the Moon simply didn't exist yet. So, to pull it off, the team created a new way for computers to store programs called 'rope memory', reports Keith Collins from Quartz, which used an assembly programming language that is notoriously complex to read, a task made all the harder for today's programmers who mostly haven't ever used assembly before. The code now on GitHub – known as the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) code – was first made public when MIT uploaded