| The Haunting of Iulia Haşdeu: The True & Tragic Tale of a Spirit Who Built a Castle
On 29th September 1888, an 18-year-old Iulia Haşdeu, the daughter of the genius B.P. Haşdeu, passed away. She possessed a remarkable intellect - an intellect that not even death could quieten. For, six months after her passing, her father received an unsettling message, seemingly from Iulia's ghost. Spirit communication delivery via automatic writing, it marked the beginning of an epic and haunting tale that would lead a father to build not one, but two Spiritism temples for his child, his hand guided, at all times, by the ghost of his beloved Iulia. The Paranormal Scholar YouTube IF YOU ENJOY THIS SITE PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT US...SHARING IS CARING Start the discussion, leave a comment below