| The Nightmare of Walking Corpse Syndrome
It may intrigue many to learn that there exists a medical condition called Walking Corpse Syndrome. For the sufferers, however, it's an absolute nightmare and no joke at all. WCS is officially known as Cotard's Syndrome. It's a condition steeped in mystery and intrigue. Very disturbingly, Cotard's Syndrome causes the victim to believe that he or she is dead, or that their limbs are no longer living or even theirs. The condition takes is name from one Jules Cotard, a French neurologist who died in 1889 from diphtheria. He spent much of his career studying and cataloging cases of Walking Corpse Syndrome. Not only do those affected by WCS believe they are dead, they also fall into spirals of psychosis and fail to take care of their personal appearances. One of the most disturbing cases of Walking Corpse Syndrome surfaced out of the United Kingdom in May 2013. A man, referred to by the medical community only as "Graham," found himself descending into a deeply depressed state, to the point