| The Origin of our civilization: The Constellation of Orion
Ancient civilizations had the ability to view and locate constellations in the sky without the help of a telescope. The Constellation of Orion is considered as one of the most important ones. Astronomers refer to Orion as M42, but ancient mankind knew about this constellation thousands of years before modern day astronomy, without telescopes such as the Hubble. The Orion constellation is one of the most prominent star formations in the night sky, and is one of the most famous constellations today, easily identified in the clear night sky. It is named after the Greek demigod Orion in the 8th century B.C. When you connect the stars, they form the head, shoulders, belt and feet of a man. The three major stars in the constellation are Alnilam, Alnitak, and Mintaka which form the belt stars of Orion. According to Greek mythology Orion was a giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion. Ancient sources tell several different stories about Orion; there are two