| The Surreal UFO Story of Oscar Linke in 1952
By Mark Whittington, topsecretwriters The alleged close encounter that Oscar Linke had with what was described as a mysterious aircraft and its crew was the first of its kind to be recorded by the United States Air Force's Project Blue Book. Linke was a former major in the Wehrmacht and, at the time, mayor of the town of Gleimerschausen in Soviet-occupied Germany. The incident took place, according to Linke's account (1), in a forest in East Germany sometime in 1950. Linke related the story to a judge in West Berlin two years later, after he and his family had escaped from Soviet-controlled Germany. Linke and his 11 year-old daughter Gabriella were forced to stop on a country road when a tire blew on his motorcycle. While walking the vehicle along the road, Gabriella pointed out something she saw at a forest clearing by the side of the road. Linke, thinking it was a deer, abandoned the motorcycle and approached it. Linke saw two figures dressed in heavy, metallic clothing bent over an