| Time is Slowing Down and Will Eventually Disappear from the Universe Claims Spanish Scientists
A group of Spanish scientists have come up with a controversial theory that hints we may one day literally run out of time, as in, time itself will disappear from our universe. Wait, put that clock down, it's not going to happen for a few billion years! If there's one thing we don't understand but nevertheless take for granted, it has to be time. Time itself, not the artificial constructs we've been building around this dimension we still can't understand. Most scientists agree that time began with the Big Bang, 13.7 million years ago and see it as an intrinsic dimension of the space-time continuum. Our current understanding of the universe tells us it is expanding and the rate at which it does that is still accelerating. Astronomical data to support this phenomenon exists but no-one knows why this stretching of space occurs. One possible explanation is the existence of dark energy, a hypothetical form of energy ubiquitous throughout the entirety of outer space and thought to counter