| Time Travel Might Be Possible, New Study Reveals
"In movies and books, time travellers are warned against interacting with their past selves or making any dramatic changes to history — because if, for instance, they kill their own grandfather for some reason, it would logically prevent them from being born in the first place, let alone travel back in time." via sputniknews Image by Gerd Altmann - Pixabay Time travel has long been in the realm of science fiction movies, with people only dreaming about the possibility of catching a sneak peek of the future or going back to the past. Well, not anymore it seems. Time travel could actually be possible in real life, physicist Barak Shoshany of Canada's Brock University has suggested in an article for The Conversation. However, there's a small twist. First of all, there is a prosaic issue: in order to create a time machine, one would need a lot of exotic matter — matter with negative energy. All matter on Earth has positive energy, and even though quantum mechanics suggest that exotic